Hello world 6 - RTT Tutorial: Scripting

The source code of this tutorial can be found in the GitHub repository.

In this tutorial we will introduce you to program scripts and orocos state machines. It is advised to read The Orocos Scripting Reference Manual before starting this tutorial. We will again create two components Hello and World in which our program and state machine will run. Nothing really new is introduced in the code for the components themselves, so you should be able to understand what’s happening there if you followed the previous tutorials.

The two components are defined in the HelloWorld.cpp file:

#include <rtt/Logger.hpp>
#include <rtt/TaskContext.hpp>

#include <rtt/OperationCaller.hpp>
#include <rtt/Port.hpp>
#include <rtt/scripting/Scripting.hpp>
#include <rtt/Component.hpp>

#include <boost/lambda/lambda.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;
using namespace boost;
using namespace RTT;

namespace Example
    typedef std::vector<double> Data;

    * This component offers some operations,
    * an input port and an output port. We'll implement
    * the behaviour of this component in a program script.
    class Hello
        : public TaskContext
        Data data;
        * @name Operations
        * @{

        Data& multiply(Data& v, double factor) {
            for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), lambda::_1 *= factor);
            return v;

        Data& divide(Data& v, double number) {
            for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), lambda::_1 /= number);
            return v;

        // useful for debugging our scripts.
        void say(const string& who, const string& message) {
            cout <<' '<<who<<" :" <<message << endl;

        /** @} */

        InputPort<Data> input;
        OutputPort<Data> output;

        Property<int>    max_data;
        Property<double> gain;
        Property<Data>   gains;
        * We initialize the ports, the operations and the properties.
        Hello(std::string name)
            : TaskContext(name),
            input("input"), output("output", true), // keeps last written value.
            max_data("max_data","The maximum number of elements in our Data struct.", 10),
            gain("gain","A single gain.",1.0),
            gains("gains","A vector of gains",Data(max_data.get(),1.0))
            addOperation("multiply", &Hello::multiply, this).doc("Multiplies.")
                    .arg("v","Data").arg("f", "Factor");
            addOperation("divide", &Hello::multiply, this).doc("Divides.")
                    .arg("v","Data").arg("f", "Factor");
            addOperation("say", &Hello::say, this).doc("Logs to cout.")
                    .arg("sender","Who's saying it.").arg("message","The message.");

            ports()->addPort( input );
            ports()->addPort( output );

            addProperty( gain);
            addProperty( gains);
            addProperty( max_data);

            // Installs the scripting service from C++ code:

        bool configureHook() {
            if (max_data.get() < 1 ) {
                log(Error) <<"Invalid number of max data elements."<<endlog();
                return false;
            // resizing gains property
            Data new_sample = gains.get();
            gains.set( new_sample );

            // setting output port
            output.setDataSample( gains.get() );
            return true;

    * World contains two ports. The rest of the
    * behaviour is implemented in statemachine.osd.
    class World
        : public TaskContext
        InputPort<Data> input;
        OutputPort<Data> output;
        World(std::string name)
            : TaskContext(name, PreOperational),
            // Exercise: Add input and output as ports, but add input as an event generating port.


This tutorial assumes that you have installed Orocos through the pre-compiled packages distributed via ROS in Ubuntu. If you don’t have it installed, try following the instructions from Installation options.

Now you should have a working Orocos + ROS integration bundle. If you used a different system or installation method, please adapt the following lines to your convenience.


ROS is not needed to run Orocos or to follow this tutorial, but it is a convenient way to quickly get started.

# You can change the next two settings in accordance to your setup
export RTT_TUTORIALS_WS=${HOME}/orocos_tutorials_ws
export ROS_DISTRO=kinetic

# Get the repository with the exercises on place
mkdir -p ${RTT_TUTORIALS_WS}/src
git clone https://github.com/orocos-toolchain/rtt_examples.git
cd ..

# Build the examples using ROS catkin tools
source /opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash
catkin build

Writing a program

The code for our program can be found in the program.ops file: (Make sure you have read Program Syntax to understand the syntax used here).

* The program is an endless loop which
* receives new data (of type 'array') on an input port of Hello
* and multiplies all elements with the gains. The result is
* written out on the output port.
program App {

    // max_data is a property of hello which we read here in
    // the 'constructor' syntax to provide a size to the array:
    var array in_data(max_data); // this maps to std::vector<double>

    while ( true ) {
        if ( input.read( in_data ) == NewData ) then {

        for(var int i = 0; i != gains.size ; i = i + 1)
            in_data[i] = in_data[i] * gains[i];

        output.write( in_data )
        yield // avoids infinite spinning loop.

The program code explained:

program App {
    /* stuff */

This defines a program called App.

var array in_data(max_data);

This declares a variable in_data of type array. array maps to the cpp type std::vector<double>, you can find more information on this here: Strings and Arrays. The size of the array is max_data which is a property of the Hello component in which we will run this program.

while ( true ) {
    if ( input.read( in_data ) == NewData ) then {

    for(var int i = 0; i != gains.size ; i = i + 1)
        in_data[i] = in_data[i] * gains[i];

    output.write( in_data )
    yield // avoids infinite spinning loop.

This is the main part of the program, it defines a while loop (with the while (true) { statement, more info here: The while Statement)). In the while loop the input port of the Hello component is read, and if it returns NewData, we loop throug the data and multiply each element with it respective gain. We get the gain from the gains property of the Hello component, which we can read when the program is loaded into the component.

Loading a program

As always we can deploy our application with the Orocos deployer and a start.ops file, in this case it contains:

// Start this script by using:
// deployer-gnulinux -s start.ops -linfo



var double period = 0.5
setActivity("hello", period, LowestPriority , ORO_SCHED_OTHER )
setActivity("world", period, LowestPriority , ORO_SCHED_OTHER )


var ConnPolicy cp; // use default

// The  C++ code already loaded the scripting service.
// Loads our program in the scripting service :

// start hooks:

// start script (independent of starting the hooks!):

As in the previous tutorials, our components are loaded and given a name (hello and world):



We set the activity and connect the ports:

var double period = 0.5
setActivity("hello", period, LowestPriority , ORO_SCHED_OTHER )
setActivity("world", period, LowestPriority , ORO_SCHED_OTHER )


var ConnPolicy cp; // use default

Now the interesting part for this tutorial, we can load the program in the component using the scripting service (which was already loaded in the Hello component in the c++ code with: this->getProvider<Scripting>("scripting");):

// Loads our program in the scripting service :

If we did not load the scripting service in the c++ code of the component we would have to load it here first using loadService("hello", "scripting").

Now we need to start the application and the script:

// start hooks:

// start script (independent of starting the hooks!):

Since no data is being written to the input port of hello obviously nothing is happening yet. Let’s go on to the world component to create a state machine that produces data.

Creating a statemachine

The code for the statemachine we will be using in this example can be found in statemachine.osd, make sure to read Orocos State Descriptions : The Real-Time State Machine to better understand what’s happening here. We will run this statemachine in the World component.


StateMachine States {

    var array correction(hello.max_data); // reading hello's property here to set array size
    var array received(hello.max_data); // reading hello's property here to set array size

    initial state Init {

        // initialise the array with some data:
        entry {
        for(var int j =0; j != correction.size; j = j + 1)
            correction[j] = j * 0.001

        transition select Waiting


    state Waiting {

        // remove the print statement below if it clutters your console:
        transition input(received) { print.log(Info,"Received data in State Machine") } select Processing


    state Processing {

        entry {
        for(var int i =0; i != correction.size; i = i + 1)
            received[i] = received[i] * correction[i]

        transition select Waiting

    final state End {



RootMachine States StateI

The statemachine code explained

StateMachine States {

This declares a statemachine of type States

var array correction(hello.max_data); // reading hello's property here to set array size
var array received(hello.max_data); // reading hello's property here to set array size

Two arrays are created, with size hello.max_data. We can read this property of hello because we connected hello and world as peers in the start.ops file using connectPeers(“hello”,”world”).

initial state Init {

    // initialise the array with some data:
    entry {
        for(var int j =0; j != correction.size; j = j + 1)
            correction[j] = j * 0.001

    transition select Waiting


Here we declare the state with name Init. The initial keyword is used to make sure that this is the state which the statemachine will be in when it is activated. The entry creates a program which is executed when the state is entered, in this case we initialise the array. There is no run program in this example, for more information see Defining StateMachines. The transition statement obviously declares a transition to the Waiting state.

state Waiting {

    // remove the print statement below if it clutters your console:
    transition input(received) { print.log(Info,"Received data in State Machine") } select Processing


In the Waiting state, nothing is actively being done, so the entry and run programs are left empty. Here an event transition is used. The input port of World was added as an event port (using addEventPort instead of addPort), which means we can react when data arrives on it. In this case, when data arrives on the input port, we select a new state Processing. For more information see Data Flow Event Transitions.

state Processing {

    entry {
    for(var int i =0; i != correction.size; i = i + 1)
        received[i] = received[i] * correction[i]

    transition select Waiting

final state End {


Here the Processing state is defined. In the entry program the received data is multiplied with the corrections, and written to the output port of World. After that the state machine transitions back to the Waiting state.

RootMachine States StateI

This final line instantiates the States statemachine as StateI.

Loading a statemachine

Similar to the program we loaded into hello we can load the statemachine into world in the start.ops file.

Add the following to the start.ops file:

// The C++ code in World did not load the scripting service, load it here:

// start hooks:

// activate moves to initial state :
// starts evaluating transitions :

You can now play with the interaction of the program in the hello component and the statemachine in the world component by writing to the output port of hello:

hello.output.write( hello.gains )

Have fun!